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Plushie Blogs

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What have you gone through to get here? Your journey is important to us as it is to you. We want to know about all of the hardships, obstacles and everything you managed to overcome. You came this far, why stop now?

Write about it.

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International readers are awaiting advice from upcoming successful individuals all over the world, including you. Global individuals await your grand arrival here. People all around the world continue to support your journey. Don't be afraid to put pen to paper and scribble away your thoughts. 

Spread it.

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Grammatical errors, poor description, and an unedited version of you is welcomed here. No judgement comes from anyone, not I nor the rest of the world. You are accepted as you are. Regardless of who you are. As long as your satisfied with your outcome, then so are we.

Own it.

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2. Click the "w" to visit the authors page



Want to submit a blog about your journey? Book an appointment HERE!


We look forward to Viewing it!

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